We believe everyone has the right to a healthy home
Our foundation is built on ethics, empathy, environmental justice and social justice. From the way we make our products, to how we treat employees and support local communities, we are committed to creating a safer and more sustainable home for all of us.
Championing safer products and ingredient transparency
We believe everyone deserves access to a healthy home. 这就是为什么我们积极与联邦和州政府合作,通过立法,要求披露清洁十大彩票网赌平台的成分.
Everyone should know what’s in the cleaning products they bring into their home. 很难相信联邦政府没有要求制造商披露他们的成分. We’re proud to have helped pass California’s Cleaning Product Right to Know Act, the first law in the U.S. to require ingredient disclosure for cleaning products. 我们与立法者、企业和非营利组织联盟密切合作,帮助通过了这项具有历史意义的法案.
现在, 我们正在争取一项联邦法律,让所有美国人都能获得选择更安全清洁十大彩票网赌平台所需的信息. 这就是为什么我们正在与美国可持续商业网络合作,阻止《十大彩票网赌平台》, despite its name, 会用薄弱的联邦保护取代加州的严格要求,从而使人们更容易患哮喘等疾病, eczema and cancer. 我们正在与ASBN合作,支持基于加州严格的成分披露要求的新联邦立法.
Green chemistry is critical for our health and our future, so we’re fighting to require safer chemistry in manufacturing. 我们与国会代表密切合作,通过了迫切需要的《十大彩票网赌平台》改革, 要求环保局审查工业和制造业中使用的数千种化学品的安全性.
我们与美国可持续商业网络合作,支持两党通过的《十大彩票网赌平台》, which requires federal agencies to include sustainable chemistry into research, development and other programs.
We know that toxic chemicals in the places where kids live, learn and play are important risk factors for cancer. 这就是为什么我们加入了儿童十大彩票网赌平台预防倡议组织,制作了一份报告,警告人们注意与交通有关的空气污染中有毒化学物质的危害, 农药, paints and solvents on children’s health.
Taking climate action for people and the planet
We’ve reduced our energy use, decreased our waste by over 99%, lowered our transportation emissions and invested in clean wind energy projects, dramatically changing our operations to become not just carbon neutral, but Climate Positive. But there’s more work to accomplish – before it’s too late.
Our planet has reached a crisis point of global warming, and the time to act is now. 这就是为什么我们与美国可持续商业网络合作,倡导一种对企业和地球都有利的碳定价解决方案. 我们还在努力永久保护北极国家野生动物保护区,使其免受进一步钻探和运输石油和天然气的威胁,从而加剧气候变化.
We’re creating a clean energy future at ECOS by generating our own solar energy, investing in clean energy hydroelectric, and wind projects and installing EV charging stations and EV forklifts at our facilities. 我们还在全国范围内倡导清洁能源解决方案,这将创造绿色就业机会,保护我们的地球.
Working with the American Sustainable Business Network, 我们正在敦促国会通过立法,鼓励对可再生能源的投资, electric-vehicle infrastructure and offshore wind energy.
我们相信每个人都应该有机会获得对人类和环境更安全的十大彩票网赌平台, so we make green cleaning products that are affordable and accessible for all.
We fight for policies that reduce climate and pollution impacts to underserved communities, including legislation that will bring clean water, green transportation and clean economy jobs to Black, Brown and Indigenous communities.
Active Projects:
Water Trust Mill Creek Restoration
Middle Deschutes River Flow Restoration
Seeding a greener future
We want our planet to be in good hands. From scholarships to science programs, 我们致力于分享知识,激励下一代的地球守护者.
Our founder, Van Vlahakis, believed in empowering the next generation. 让学生在绿色科学方面打下坚实的基础,是确保我们找到地球和未来所需的解决方案的最佳途径.
That’s why we endowed the Vlahakis Organic Chemistry Lab at Roosevelt University in Chicago, 让学生学习绿色化学,研究基于可再生资源的新十大彩票网赌平台.
我们还设立了加州大学洛杉矶分校弗拉哈基斯-汉克斯本科生奖学金,以表彰在环境问题上表现出领导力的学生, community empowerment, or Hellenic causes.
通过加州食品杂货协会教育基金会,我们的ECOS Van Vlahakis纪念学院奖学金也为学生提供了研究当今最大环境问题的可持续解决方案的机会.
Our children are the environmental stewards of tomorrow, so we need to give them tools they’ll need to create a greener future. 我们的生态科学教育项目让所有年龄段的孩子都能亲身体验绿色化学. They learn by doing, making their own ECOS laundry detergent at events across the country and at our facilities.
ECOScience项目还通过我们与全国各地的儿童博物馆的合作,每年教授数千名五年级学生. Museum educators bring the program into classrooms, 让学生们更深入地了解肥皂背后的科学,制作绿色洗衣粉带回家. For the little ones, ECOS使用互动式博物馆展览来教授环保的生活和购物方式.
The only way to create a greener future is to help other companies become greener too. 我们正在与那些寻求更环保方法的公司分享我们的可持续商业实践. 帮助其他公司发现,做正确的事情不仅对人类和地球有好处, it’s good for business.
We believe clean, 绿色科学是未来——还有什么比让下一代对绿色化学感到兴奋更好的方法来促进这一点呢? 我们将互动项目引入学校,并在我们的工厂举办实地考察活动,这样孩子们就可以自己制作绿色清洁十大彩票网赌平台. Who knows, maybe we’ll find our next green chemist or engineer?
- Discovery Cube Museums – CA
- Chicago Children’s Museum – IL
- Hands On Children’s Museum – WA